
Below you will find a frequently updated list of ideas, remedies and links to lead you to more information in the form of community resources, mutual aid, and where to receive or offer support. We may be more isolated than we have ever been, but we are not alone. We will get through this together and be stronger for it if we rely on community. If we give what we have to give, take only what we need and ask for help when we are struggling. I am here for you. 

Essential oils

Essential oils are often used for their scent, but extracting the essence of the plant makes a powerful medicine. Used correctly, they can be very beneficial for many health issues. 

Some of my favorites for immunity are eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree and lemon. Cinnamon bark and clove can be used when early stage illness involves a chill. 

Essential oils can be inhaled via plastic essential oil inhalers, dropped into hot water and inhaled via the steam or diffused into a room with an essential oil diffuser. They can be applied to acupuncture points or diluted and applied to whole areas of the body. They can be added to salt and dissolved into bath water or a foot soak.

Fir, Pine and Spruce are some of my favorite oils for boosting the lungs. 

To make your own anti-viral Thieves Oil and learn how it helps click here

Acupressure points

Applying pressure to acupuncture points can help stimulate the channels and communicate with the nervous system. Some helpful points to stimulate immunity are: GB20, ST36, LU7, LI4, LU9, Ren17. Click on the image to see location guidelines and functions of the point. When locating points, feel for a tender spot or a place when your finger seems to dip slightly. Most acupuncture points are noticeable once you find them!

All acupuncture points calm the nervous system, but here are a few of my favorite points for reducing stress that you can easily activate yourself: Du 20, Yin Tang, PC 6, SP 6, LV 3, HT7

Black Lives Matter

Healthcare has always been inequitable and the people who need care the most have less access to it. Especially complementary medicine like acupuncture. I see the profound changes that acupuncture offers my patients. I wish everyone had access to regular treatment because everyone deserves it. Please know that I am doing what I can to reach populations that have not had access to the healing power of Chinese medicine. If you or someone you know from a marginalized community would benefit from acupuncture, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Support these Seattle-Based organizations that benefit Black lives:

Wa Na Wari

Africatown Community Land Trust

Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County

Got Green Seattle

The Ally League

Urban League Black Business Directory

Support Black-Owned Businesses and Restaurants

Covid-19 Resource List

Here are some links for community resources, volunteer opportunities, small business grants and more. This list will keep growing so check back for updates!

Comprehensive COVID19 Resource List

Resources for artists:

4 Culture Relief Fund

Crowdfunding Tips

Artist Trust Resource List

Freelance Artists' Resource List

What is Mutual Aid?

“Mutual aid is where we take responsibility for caring for one another by building new social relations that assist us in surviving the current conditions. As the US is in the midst of declaring a COVID-19 state of emergency, it is imperative that we prepare for the unknown through creating and sustaining social networks of people who are committed to engaging in the community care work that makes for resilient and powerful support groups.”

Seattle Mutual Aid

Mutual Aid Lists

Mutual Aid Solidarity Network

Donations for 6 charities to support workers here: “Please split a contribution between Amazonians United Mutual Aid Fund to support Amazon warehouse workers, The Workers Fund to support gig workers, Rent Zero Tenant Organizing Fund to support people struggling with housing, COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund for Community Bail & Bond Funds, the CERF+ COVID-19 Response Fund to support artists, and the Restaurant Worker Disaster Relief Fund to support restaurant workers.” 

King County Covid Testing

Free Covid Home Tests

Support Small Businesses


Resources for Small Businesses

Washington State Small Business Grants

Business Resources